How I Became The Person That I am Now. (An Interview with MJ Martinez)

Hi, my name is ECIAS, and I would like to share this small interview from MJ Martinez. He is a basketball player and a sporty player overall. He will be answering some questions today!

- Hello Martinez, can you introduce yourself?
Hi, my name is Mj Martinez. I was born at De La Salle University Medical Center on February 27, 2003. My mother is Marigin Martinez and my father is Regie Martinez. I have an older brother Reimar Martinez which is 6 years older than me. When I was a child, I have my cousin whose name is
John Rey who I dearly considered a part of my brotherhood.

- Can you briefly explain why you consider your cousin as a part of your brotherhood?
We are so very close since we were children. He contributed so many things just to change my whole life around.

- What is that one moment that you would never forget?
The moment that I will
never forget is that when the three of us were on the bike and then we suddenly fell down and that, I think, is what makes it unforgettable.

"A Picture of Mj Martinez back in Junior High School"
By the way, this picture that I showed you here, is the picture when I was in my junior high school which was taken on my birthday.

- Ooooh, I see... What do you want to say in this picture? Like... A motto that you follow in life?

Well, I want to say in this picture that, no matter what challenge comes in our life and no matter what happens we choose to smile always because all of the problems, things in life has a
solution, and we need to think the positive way in our life.

- I see. What limitations do you have which humiliates you the most? Why is it humiliating for you? And what do you do to avoid it?

In my opinion, the limitations that humiliates me the most would be the way that I communicate with others. Because I am that kind of person that wants to be close to anybody,
because I wanted to become a good friend to anyone and that is humiliating for me because I don’t know if they wanted me to be their friend and that thought would cross my mind and that’s why it is humiliating.
I think the thing that makes it difficult for me to
get along with others is the my personality is moody and dramatic.
They always say,
Andrama mo naman lage, iwas-iwasan mo yung ganyan, di maganda yan!
(Translation: "You're so always dramatic... Avoid that, it's not nice!")
And I understand that, but I feel like they don’t know what would be the main reason why I would act very moody and dramatic. To avoid it, I just let go of anything thay they say.

- What are the compliments that people give you that flatters you the most? And why?

Well, the compliment that I most flattering is that I was called the “Best Point Guard in Basketball" and "The Defending Champion" in my school's singing contest. The reason why this is very flattering to me is because I was thankful and grateful in my own skills because I proved that I had a talent I could be proud of.

- What personal sense do you think that you have?
What sense of personal worth that I have? I think it's my personal talent, because I was very grateful to
myself that I have strengths and power when it comes to sports. Because there would be so many sports that I can join like volleyball, basketball, sepak takraw, badminton etc. I am a sporty person and im grateful what I am.

- Alright, we're done with the introductions, now what about today? What do you feel about today?
So this moment how do I feel about myself  right now is I was suffering and innovating because we all know that we have a pandemic and the way of learning now is so very difficult because it's being conducted online.

- How do you feel about the significant people that are around you?
And how do I feel about the significant people around me is thankful because they also helpful to me because anytime that I need help I have them to ask a problem  that I have.

What makes you happy now?
So what makes me happy now?
I think it would be listening to music. That's my favorite thing to do because everytime I listen to the songs I enjoy, I would just use the time to forget the problems. (TLDR: He listens to music to enjoy and release stress.)

Also, my other source of joy is to communicate with my internet friend named Jam Ramos.
I call her “Boss” because I liked her attitude. She keeps telling me the truth and the bad things that I have in myself that I needed to change. And also, she is my happiness too and I spent my little time with her.

Everytime we talk on messenger, I would be so happy because I would see her beautiful face again and I would listen to her cute voice.

But sometimes, when she is not in the mood... It feels like im talking to a tiger.

- Hahahahaha! Are you really serious with that last part?
Hahaha! No, No, No! I was absolutely joking about the "tiger" part!

- Alright, moving on! What robs you of your joy?
What robs me of my joy? I think it would be those times that I would be stressed because I would lose my mood very quickly.

- So... What do you see in your future? What dream job do you want in life?
So I want to become a basketball player or one of the big streamers in the Philippines in the future. But my dream job is being an I.T in the company of about technology. If i'm very unlucky, I would love to become a basketball player and play in the big leagues like PBA or NBA.

- Your thoughts about the current pandemic situation? Also, what will you say to yourself?
I hope that this virus will disappear so that our world would be back to normal. And to myself, I promise that my dreams will come true. Even if there would be so many obstacles and challenges that I will soon face when im getting older.

- Last question before we end the interview, What kind of people do you want to be with? And what principle or motto do you treasure the most and why?
The people that I want to be with me is the people who have passion and dream with their life. The principle that I treasured most is from Cong TV, he said that we should always choose the higher version of you. Because these words will be powerful once you apply it into your life, because nobody can, and nobody will stop you to pursue your dreams.

- Any message to the readers before we end the Interview?
You need to prove to yourself and maybe everyone, that one day you will become a successful person.



  1. This interview was amazing! The questionnaires were great because it is very relatable, especially the pandemic topic which is really happening to our country right now and giving some personal information about this person makes the reader understand who really this person is.

  2. Your presentation is nice and enjoyable to read, Both of you really know how to effectively captivate the readers. And also your content was relevant that is easy to read and understand! Great Job❤

  3. Hi mj it's me your cute friend HAHAHA joke. So mj please continue your passion and never stop reaching your dream to be a basketball star and i'm always here for you even through were not that so close anymore haha... i'm very sorry if nasasabihan kita ng kung ano ano it's for your own good naman and sana dimo masamain. I just want to let out the best for you yun lng mwuaa i'll be always here for you, supporting you, and loving you as a bestfriend.

  4. 11:11 believer HAHAHAHA. Remember that I'm always here for you. If you have difficulties in life and feel like unloved, alone. Don't hesitate to talk to me, I'll listen to every problems you have, stories you share. Am all ears. That's the least thing I can do for you. To lessen the pain you're into. loveyouuu


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