How I Became The Person That I am Now. (An Interview with Jared Aligam)


Hi, my name is ECIAS, and I would like to share this small interview from Jared Aligam. He is currently a livestreamer!

Jared Aligam


- Hello Martinez, can you introduce yourself?
Hi, my name is Jared Aligam. Born in St. Martin De Porres Charity Hospital, located in San Juan City on August 05, 2004. My mother is Aida Aligam and my father is Marco Antonio Aligam. I am an only child and is currently living in Cavite.

- What are the moments that you would never forget?
The moments that I will
never forget would be those memories that highlight my mistakes in life. I am a person that looks back on their decisions in life and would regret anything that they feel like it should not have happened.

- What personality do you think you have?
Socially I am very shy, but I am very friendly. I am a lazy person but I take life very slowly and I relax a little too hard.

I feel like a perfectionist when it comes to anything in life. I procrastinate a lot, I don't take criticism that well, and I silently criticize others even though I don't like to do it.

- Any motto you follow in life?

Personally I don't follow any mottos, but if you decided that you're going to work for it, then you should do it with confidence and with an optimistic mindset.

- I see. What limitations do you have which humiliates you the most? Why is it humiliating for you? And what do you do to avoid it?

In my opinion, the limitations that humiliates me would be the way how I act and think about life. I don't test my limits and assume that I might fail, I don't like challenges and tasks that seem too much for me to handle, so I decided to procrastinate until either I go for it or miss it completely. Also being lazy and lacking the ability to understand people humiliates me, since I would miss a lot of opportunities and decisions that I wanted to do or make in the past, but never do it because I never had the push to do so. I seem like I don't really understand people sometimes, and I think it frustrates me or makes me very, very upset.

- What are the compliments that people give you that flatters you the most? And why?
I think the compliments that flatter me the most would be how people think that I do everything while having time to relax or chill despite having to do a lot of work. I think not a lot of people can do it or atleast feel like they're actually relaxing while under pressure, but I'm not very good with understanding human emotions, so I tend to hide my true feelings or decide not to give them what I think about them positively.
- What personal sense do you think that you have?
What sense of personal worth that I have? I think it's my drive to try new things, or my creativity whenever I do something like photo-editing, art, video-editing, or livestreaming. I also have the drive to push myself and go for the things that I can enjoy and have something to procrastinate to.

- I understand. What do you feel about today?
I think it's very bleak. Ever since the pandemic started everyone seemed very pessimistic, but they all find a way to have a glimmer of happiness despite being stuck inside your own house or having to learn online.

- How do you feel about the significant people that are around you?
They are absolutely wonderful to have, even though I don't show it as much.

What makes you happy now?
So what makes me happy now?
I guess livestreaming, video-editing, and communicating with people makes me happy.

Also when I'm making art, a video, or doing anything that lets my creativity flow makes me happy.

- Alright, moving on! What robs you of your joy?
Stress, Anxiety, and having some moments where I begin to remember my mistakes and start to get frustrated or angry at myself.

- So... What do you see in your future? What dream job do you want in life?
I think I see myself as a pretty relaxed person in the future, maybe becoming a content creator or an esports player for me would be the things that I want to go for in life.

- What will you say to yourself?
Just sleep on anything that makes you very irritated. Other than that, I hope that I'll persevere.

- Last question before we end the interview, What kind of people do you want to be with? And what principle or motto do you treasure the most and why?
The people that I want to be with are the people who want to be creative, have fun, and enjoy life.

- Any message to the readers before we end the Interview?
Listen, if you look at the sky and the stars, reach out to the skies with your right hand and say, "One day, I'll reach it." and start thinking of ways in order for you to achieve your dreams and goals in life. It's your choice, so go ahead and go for it.

